Text known to Bach (Weimar 1713):
Frisch auf/ mein Seel/ verzage nicht/
Gott will sich deine erbarmen!
Raht/ Hülf wird er dir theilen mit/
er ist ein Schutz der Armen.
Obs oft geht hart/
Im Rosen-Gart kan man nicht allzeit sitzen/
Wer Gott vertraut/ hat wohl gebaut/
den will er ewig schützen.
Be cheered my soul, do not despair,
God will have mercy on you!
He will share his counsel to help you;
He is a protection of the poor.
Even if often things are hard,
you cannot rest in the rose-garden at all times.
Who trusts God has surely built
protection by him forever.
Melody: Christian Bergen – Dresden 1608
Text: Caspar Schmucker (1578-?)
© The Orgelbüchlein Project. To use or reproduce any of the above, please CONTACT The Orgelbüchlein Project

The Print Collection
There are two settings of chorale 103.
William Whitehead’s setting was commissioned by Jeremy O’Sullivan. Volume 4 was published in 2017 by Edition Peters. Copies may still be available via their website. The Orgelbüchlein Project plans to publish a revised Volume 4 in due course.
We hope to publish Benet Casablancas’ setting, commissioned by the Cervantes Institute, London, as part of Orgelbüchlein Extended. This setting is based on an alternative melody.
Orgelbüchlein Extended
A selection of alternative and more extended compositions commissioned to complement The Print Collection. These are available for download only. To view available pieces and purchase, click HERE
Orgelbüchlein Community
A selection of compositions submitted from all around the world.
This chorale is yet to be tackled by the Community!
This setting was composed by Benet Casablancas and played by Colm Carey at the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, Tower of London. The recording was made in partnership with the European Commission representation in the UK.