Text known to Bach (Weimar 1713):
Was Gott thut/ das ist wohlgethan/
kein einig Mensch ihn tadeln kan/
ihn sol man allzeit ehren [: / :]
wir machn mit unser Ungedult
nur immer grösser unsre Schuld/
daß sich die Strafen mehren
What God does is well done,
no one can rebuke him.
He should always be honoured.
With our impatience we
only ever sin more greatly,
so that our punishment increases.
Melody: Caspar Cramer – Erfurt 1641
Text: Michael Altenburg (1584-1640)
© The Orgelbüchlein Project. To use or reproduce any of the above, please CONTACT The Orgelbüchlein Project

The Print Collection
The setting of chorale 111 was commissioned by St John’s College, Cambridge and composed by Andrew Synnott. Volume 4 was published in 2017 by Edition Peters. Copies may still be available via their website. The Orgelbüchlein Project plans to publish a revised Volume 4 in due course.
Orgelbüchlein Extended
A selection of alternative and more extended compositions commissioned to complement The Print Collection. These are available for download only. To view available pieces and purchase, click HERE
Orgelbüchlein Community
A selection of compositions submitted from all around the world.