Text known to Bach (Weimar 1713):
Wir dancken dir Herr Jesu Christ!
daß du für uns gestorben bist/
und hast uns durch dein theures Blut/
gemacht für Gott gerecht und gut.
We thank you, Lord Jesus Christ,
that you died for us,
and through your precious blood have
made us righteous and good before God.
Melody: Adapted Johannes Eccard (1553-1611) – Königsberg 1597, from ? Daniel Rump (Ülzen 1587)
Text: Christoph Fischer (1518-98), Schmalkalden Manuscript 1568
© The Orgelbüchlein Project. To use or reproduce any of the above, please CONTACT The Orgelbüchlein Project

The Print Collection
J S Bach’s setting of this chorale will be part of our printed Volume 1, due for publication in late 2023.
Orgelbüchlein Extended
A selection of alternative and more extended compositions commissioned to complement The Print Collection. These are available for download only. To view available pieces and purchase, click HERE
Orgelbüchlein Community
A selection of compositions submitted from all around the world.
This chorale is yet to be tackled by the Community!