Text known to Bach (Weimar 1713):

Herr Christ der einge Gottes Sohn
Vaters in Ewigkeit:
Aus seinem Hertzn entsprossen/
gleich wie geschrieben steht/
er ist der Morgensterne/
sein Glantz streckt er so ferne/
für andern Sternen klar.
Herr Gott nun sey gepreiset/
wir sagn dir grossen Danck:
Du hast uns wohl gespeiset/
und geben guten Tranck/
dein Mildigkeit zu mercken/
und unsern Glaubn zu stärcken/
daß du seyst unser Gott.


Lord Christ, the only Son of God,
Father in eternity,
sprung from his heart,
as it stands written:
He is the morning star;
He stretches his radiance so far
beyond all other bright stars.
Lord God, now be praised.
We give you great thanks:
you have fed us well
and given us good drink
so that we remember your gentleness
and strengthen our belief
that you are our God.

(BWV 601 calls for a repeat of the last three lines)

Melody: Elisabeth Creutziger – Contrafactum of Mein frewd moecht sich wohl meren
(Lochamer Liederbuch, c.1452-60)
Texts: (i) Elisabeth Creutziger (c.1500-1535) (ii) Anon. (Melcher Sachsse – Erfurt 1550)

© The Orgelbüchlein Project. To use or reproduce any of the above, please CONTACT The Orgelbüchlein Project

The Print Collection

J S Bach’s setting of chorale 3 will be part of our printed Volume 1, due for publication in late 2023.

Orgelbüchlein Extended

A selection of alternative and more extended compositions commissioned to complement The Print Collection. These are available for download only. To view available pieces and purchase, click HERE

Orgelbüchlein Community

A selection of compositions submitted from all around the world.

Chorale 3 is yet to be tackled by the Community!
