Text known to Bach (Weimar 1713):

Allein zu dir Herr Jesu Christ/
mein Hoffnung steht auf Erden/
ich weiß daß du mein Tröster bist/
kein Trost mag mir sonst werden/
von Anbeginn ist nichts erkohrn/
auf Erden war kein Mensch gebohrn/
der mir aus Nöthen helffen kan/
ich ruf dich an/
zu dem ich mein Vertrauen han.


In you alone, Lord Jesus Christ,
rests my hope on earth.
I know that you are my comforter;
no solace may otherwise come to me.
In the beginning nothing was ordained;
on earth no man has been born
who can assist me in my distress.
I cry to you,
in whom I place my trust.

Melody: Contrafactum of Ach lieb mit leid (Paul Hofhaimer, 1512) – Leipzig hymnsheet 1542/3
(Valentin Schumann)
Text: Conrad Hubert (1507-77)

© The Orgelbüchlein Project. To use or reproduce any of the above, please CONTACT The Orgelbüchlein Project

The Print Collection

The setting of chorale 70 was commissioned by the Master and Fellows of St John’s College, Cambridge, with support from the Herbert Howells Organ Music Fund, and composed by Lionel Rogg. It is part of our printed Volume 3, now available for purchase.

Orgelbüchlein Extended

A selection of alternative and more extended compositions commissioned to complement The Print Collection. These are available for download only. To view available pieces and purchase, click HERE

Orgelbüchlein Community

A selection of compositions submitted from all around the world.


Played by William Whitehead on the organ of Lincoln’s Inn Chapel