Text known to Bach (Weimar 1713):

Was mein Gott will/ das gscheh allzeit/
sein Will der ist der beste :/:
Zu helffen den’n er ist bereit/
die an ihn glauben feste/
er hilft aus Noth/ der fromme Gott/
und züchtiget mit Massen/
wer Gott vertraut/ fest auf ihn baut/
denn will er nicht verlassen.


What my God wants, so be it always,
his will is what is best;
he is ready to help those
who firmly believe in him.
He helps us in our need, the faithful God,
and punishes us with moderation.
He who trusts in God, and builds firmly on him,
will not be abandoned.

Melody: Pierre Attaignant, 1529-34, paraphrase of Il me suffit de tous mes maulx
Text: Albrecht Alcibiades, Margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (1522-57)

© The Orgelbüchlein Project. To use or reproduce any of the above, please CONTACT The Orgelbüchlein Project

The Print Collection

The setting of chorale 89 was commissioned by Dee and Andrew Prior and composed by John Butt. Volume 4 was published in 2017 by Edition Peters. Copies may still be available via their website. The Orgelbüchlein Project plans to publish a revised Volume 4 in due course.

Orgelbüchlein Extended

A selection of alternative and more extended compositions commissioned to complement The Print Collection. These are available for download only. To view available pieces and purchase, click HERE

Orgelbüchlein Community

A selection of compositions submitted from all around the world.


Composed by John Butt and played by William Whitehead at the organ of Lincoln’s Inn Chapel, London